Shankh Interiors and Constructions

Case Study: Igniting Shankh Interiors and Constructions' Digital Presence through AI-Powered Social Media Marketing


Shankh Interiors and Constructions, a new interior design firm in Lucknow, faced the challenge of establishing a robust online presence. Their social media channels, including Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube, and Google Business Profile (GBP), lacked content, making it difficult to attract potential clients and showcase their expertise


Populate social media platforms: Create visually appealing and engaging content across all social channels

Spread brand awareness: Increase visibility and reach among potential clients in Lucknow

Generate leads: Attract inquiries and potential projects through social media and GBP


We partnered with Shankh Interiors and Constructions to develop and execute a comprehensive social media marketing strategy focused on content creation and distribution.

AI-Powered Content Generation: Recognizing the lack of existing content, we leveraged the power of MidJourney AI to generate unique and inspiring interior design concepts. This allowed us to quickly create a diverse range of visually appealing content that showcased Shankh's potential and expertise.

Platform-Specific Content Optimization: We tailored the AI-generated content to fit the unique requirements and formats of each social media platform. This ensured maximum engagement and visibility across Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and YouTube.

GBP Optimization: We created a comprehensive GBP profile, including high-quality photos, detailed business descriptions, and accurate contact information. We also encouraged customer reviews to boost the firm's credibility and visibility in local search results


Within 2 months of implementing our social media marketing strategy, Shankh Interiors and Constructions experienced a remarkable transformation in their online presence:

Website Traffic Increased:

The website experienced a significant increase in organic traffic, with many visitors coming from Lucknow

Google Business Profile Performance

The GBP page garnered positive reviews and consistently ranked high in local search results, leading to direct calls and website visits

Patient Acquisition:

Dr. Ayesha began receiving a steady stream of new patient appointments, primarily through the website and GBP page

  • DATE:1 January 2024
  • Services:Social Media Marketing
  • Client:Yusuf Sufiyan
  • Location:Lucknow, India